2021 Agenda

Date07:00-07:30 UTC07:30-09:00 UTC60 min break10:00-11:30 UTCOpen time15:30-16:30 UTC SUNSET CHATS
Day 1Daily Q&ASESSION 1BreakSESSION 2  
Mon. 4 Oct

Starts on day 2Opening and orientation
Introductions of participants and their expectations - building on prior online process - and orientation to School platforms, wikis, participation modalities, and code of conduct.
 Introduction to the practicum
Introduction to the topic, explanation of the task, and assigning roles/groups.
One-on-one tech support for those who need it.NO ACTIVITY SCHEDULED

 Adil Suleiman; Alison Gillwald; Koliwe Majama; Anriette Esterhuysen; hvale Pellizzer; Gayatri Khandhadai Avri Doria,Maja Kraljic 
Day 2
Q&ASESSION 330 minsSESSION 4 Starts at 9:30 UTC on day 2OPENSunset Chat 1
Tue.5 Oct

Recap of the previous day and review of the exercise on national legislation and institutions
What is internet governance?
Overview and history of the current IG ecosystem globally, and in Africa. This session will cover the WSIS, key events and institutions globally and in Africa.

 The multistakeholder approach, multilateralism and digital cooperation
Overview of the political and historical origins of the multistakeholder approach, and how it has been positioned with regard to the multilateral approach. This session will look at the “enhanced cooperation” debate, the new UN SG’s Roadmap on digital cooperation, and the current trend, prevalent also in Africa, towards so-called “digital sovereignty”
 The current 'state' and 'status' of the multistakeholder internet governance "ideal"
Wolfgang Kleinwaechter; Moctar Yedaly; Nashilongo Gervasius; Jeanette Hoffmann; Fiona Alexander; Verengai Mabika; Milton Mueller; Leonid Todorov
 Anriette Esterhuysen, Gayatri KhandhadaiDavid Souter Wolfgang Kleinwaechter Moderated by Anriette Esterhuysen
Wed. 6 Oct
Recap of the previous dayThe digital inequality paradox
Digitalisation*, internet access and development in Africa. Overview of the ‘digital divide’ and how it relates to social and economic inequality, and what this implies for efforts to bridge this so-called divide. It will explore the digital inequality paradox and data justice as responses to current governance of digitalisation and datafication.
*Digitalisation refers the complex and adaptive digital processes and systems that underpin contemporary economy and society.
 Meaningful and universal access to the internet
Regulation, business models, financing to enable local access networks, including community networks. This session will also look at public access and how it can be mobilised to create a more inclusive access ecosystem. This lecture will include an overview of the distribution of access to the internet in Africa and explore the concept of ‘meaningful access’.
 Practicum check-in
 Anriette Esterhuysen Gayatri KhandhadaiAlison Gillwald
 Carlos Rey Moreno

 Avri Doria
Day 4Q&ASESSION 8BreakSESSION 9 Starts 10:30 on day 4OPENSunset Chat 2
Thu. 7 Oct
Facilitator for the day: Koliwe Majama
Recap of the previous dayManaging names and numbers
Management of internet names and numbers globally, regionally and nationally (including ccTLDs)
 How does the internet work and who keeps it working?
Lecture on the architecture of the internet as a network of networks and the protocols that keeps it interconnected
 "Technical" internet governance of the internet: How does it relate to broader internet public policy, where is it heading, and who should participate?
  Bob Ochieng, ICANN and Barrack Otieno
 Musab Isah Dawit Bekele; Eddy Kayihura; Pablo Rodriguez; Yaovi Atohoun; Mallory Knodell. Moderated by Avri Doria
Day 5Q&ASESSION 10BreakSESSION 11OPENSunset Chat 3
Fri. 8 OctRecap of the previous dayAccess to information and data governance
Data, data protection, protection of privacy and access to information. This session will also look at online surveillance.
 Cyber security: Trust and safety
Cyber security in relation to the different layers of the internet, international best practices for security, common threats to security and responses
 â€˜To Treaty or not to treaty’: Regional and international collaboration for a secure, safe, stable internet in Africa.

Faculty Kuda Hove Enrico Calandro
 Ephraim Kenyanito; Tatiana Tropina; Moctar Yedaly; Abdul Hakeem Ajijola. Moderated by Sheetal Kumar
Day 6Q&ASESSION 12BreakSESSION 13OPENSunset Chat 4
Mon. 11 OctRecap of the previous dayHuman rights and the internet: Application and approaches
Human rights-based approach; institutions and mechanisms, internationally, regionally and nationally. Economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights. Key resolutions and instruments.
 Gender and internet governance
Gendered experience of the internet, policy and regulatory measures relating to gender in Africa. Areas of intervention in internet governance from a gender perspective.
 Shutdowns to opening doors: Focus on internet rights in Africa.

  Gayatri Khandhadai Sheena Magenya Lillian Nalwoga, CIPESA; Gbenga Sesan; Felicia Antonio; Margaret Nyambura; Gayatri Khandhadai; Koliwe Majama moderated by Ephraim Kenyanito.

Day 7
Tue. 12 OctRecap of the previous dayContent and the internet - Free expression, hate, disinformation and national security
Standards in relation to freedom of expression, kinds of content on the internet that are commonly criminalised, identifying hate speech, kinds of disinformation and unpacking the national security defence for censorship
 Practicum plenary Dialogue on digital security - what does it mean, for who? What are the gender and stakeholder dimensions at play?
  Gayatri Khandhadai Avri Doria Natasha Mzonza
Wed. 13th OctRecap of the previous dayPerspectives on cybercrime: Responses and regulation
How does legislation respond to “every day” cyber crime and harmful use, including online violence against women? This session will look at the experiences of cyber law enforcement agents and forensic specialists. It will also look at how the new cybercrime legislation in South Africa deals with non-consensual sharing of intimate images online
 Working through the I&JPN Policy Network Toolkits on cross-border access to electronic evidence and content moderation
The session will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about the concrete policy challenges the toolkits address as well as analyze the resources and their implementation.
 Practicum: Final negotiation session
  Pria Chetty, Michael Ilishebo, Allan Mulenga and Dominic Cull
 Ajith Francais Tracy Sinkamba Faustin Frane Maroevic Avri Doria
Day 9Q&ASESSION 19BreakSESSION 20OPENSunset Chat 6
Thu. 14 OctRecap of the previous dayDigital economy: Trade, labour and innovation
Opportunities and challenges with the digital economy, labour regulations and their applicability to gig economy workers, innovation for change and governance.
 Taxation: From OTT taxes on social media apps to fair taxation of big tech
Taxation regime and inequalities in their applicability to Big tech companies, global trends and challenges, regulations on OTTs and alternatives to big tech
 Private sector perspectives and challenges
  Shamira Ahmed
 Raymond Onouha

 Fargani Tambeayuk; Karim Attoumani Mohamed; Lawrence Roberts; Desiree Miloshevic; Timea Suto moderated by Anriette Esterhuysen
Fri. 15 OctRecap of the previous dayAfriSIG 2021 practicum: Outcomes and conclusions
Presentation on the practicum outputs, key agreements reached, reflections on the practicum process and important learnings on negotiations.

 Engaging the African and Global IGF: Implementing learnings
The African IGF, the global IGF - what to expect and how to participate followed by the presentation of AfrISIG 2021 certificates and evaluation and closure
  Avri Doria Margaret Nyambura; Chengetai Masango; Anriette Esterhuysen; Koliwe Majama